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"Серия живописных видов замков, особняков и усадеб дворян и господ Великобритании и Ирландии (A series of picturesque views of Seats of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland) Vol. III" The Rev.F.O.Morris, B.A., author of a "History of British birds", dedicated by permission to her most gracious Majesty the Queen
London, Edinburgh and Dublin, 19 век.
Восхитительно показано множество работ, которые исследует историю британских замков, особняков и усадеб, принадлежащих дворянству и господам. Украшенный на титульной странице цветной виньеткой. Гравюры цветные. 19 листов с цветными иллюстрациями (из 40-а). В цельнокожаном переплете с тиснением виньетки и герба на крышках. В виде альбома (крышки не соединены между собой). Альбом на английском языке. Книга распадается на листы. Золотой обрез. Состояние гравюр отличное. Vol. III.
A delightfully illustrated set of works which explores the history behind British castles, mansions, and estates owned by Nobility and Gentlemen. Adorned with Illuminated title pages each with a coloured vignette. With descriptive and historical letterpress. Containing beautifully coloured, captionedplates, manywith their original tissue-guards. Reverend Francis Orpen Morris was an Irish clergyman, notable as parson-naturalist (ornithologist and entomologist) and as the author of many children's books and books on natural history and heritage buildings. Morris' books were mostly published by Groombridge & Sons, of London. His first best-seller was A History of British Birds which was published from June 1850 in monthly parts over a period of some seven years. A Natural History of the Nests and Eggs of British Birds, A History of British Butterflies and A History of British Moths followed in rapid succession. The final work which Fawcett, Morris and Lydon would do together was The County Seats of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland.
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Фотографии издания "Серия живописных видов замков, особняков и усадеб дворян и господ Великобритании и Ирландии (A series of picturesque views of Seats of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland) Vol. III". The Rev.F.O.Morris, B.A., author of a History of British birds, dedicated by permission to her most gracious Majesty the Queen. London, Edinburgh and Dublin, 19 век.
"Серия живописных видов замков, особняков и усадеб дворян и господ Великобритании и Ирландии (A series of picturesque views of Seats of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland) Vol. III", The Rev.F.O.Morris, B.A., author of a "History of British birds", dedicated by permission to her most gracious Majesty the Queen, London, Edinburgh and Dublin, 19 век.